Improve patient outcomes and capture new diversified revenue while staying ahead of regulatory challenges
As chronic disease prevalence increases, effective co-morbid condition management is crucial. CarepointMD is a fully outsourced care navigation solution facilitated by nurses through an operational partnership designed specifically for specialty practices. We supplement the care you provide to your eligible Medicare/MA patients through additional routine monthly touch points that educate patients on their condition-specific needs and provide the enhanced longitudinal care management your patients deserve.
Let’s explore how implementing CarepointMD in your practice could improve patient outcomes and impact our practices’ success.

Why should you consider CarepointMD?
Specialty-directed CCM-based care navigation services is an underutilized solution available to specialty practices. It offers broad longitudinal care coordination. Patients love the personalized, concierge-like approach. Why not take better care of your patients, earn additional recurring revenue, and address evolving regulatory/quality reporting requirements simultaneously.

CarepointMD:CNav – Care Navigation Services

Benefits of implementing CarepointMD
Applicable to Medicare/MA patients
~70% of Medicare beneficiaries qualify
Qualifying conditions drive $4.1T annual spend
<5% of eligible beneficiaries currently receive services
Most =providers are hyper-focused only on the top 3-7% of their patient population
Underutilized service resulting in wellness gap
For Your Patients
Improved access to care
Lowered annual health care expenditures
Improved health outcomes
Ability to achieve health care goals
Personalized, concierge-like services
·Goals tailored to personalized care plan
Enhanced patient experience
Increased annual patient touch points
Proactive care solution
Reduced ED visits,
Reduced hospitalizations
Reduced complications
For Your Practice
New stream of recurring monthly practice revenue
No additional burden on physicians and clinical staff
Improved outcomes
Positive impact on MIPS quality scores
Fulfill reporting requirements for “MIPS Value Pathways” (MVP) Quality Payment Program
Proactive measure to stay ahead of Medicare fee schedule reductions
Increased documentation of condition codes to reduce audits
Increased patient satisfaction scores
Elevated Net Provider Score (NPS)
Reduced patient leakage
Identification and closure of care gaps

Why entrust CarepointMD as your care navigation solution?
A strategically designed operational model to generate multiple advantages and areas of impact
The CarepointMD Schema

How can CarepointMD prepare you for regulatory and performance measure changes?

ICD-10 and HCC Documentation (Coding) Defines Patient Risk Severity for Cost Benchmarking
Explore our HubpointMD:MVP solution addresses upcoming regulatory challenges and enhances CarepointMD
Generate new recurring revenue stream
Outpace regulatory changes to Medicare fee schedule
Avoid claims audits for unsupported billing practices
Proactively address the requirements of MVP (MIPS Value Pathway) reporting
Be a leader in patient care navigation

Why would a specialist practice want to include CarepointMD care navigation services as part of routine patient care?

CarepointMD handles all moving parts for you
Minimal burden for physicians and practice staff